Saturday, March 24, 2007

Ten Things I’m Wondering about Today

1. When is Viggo Mortensen’s next movie coming out?

2. Will I, my nephews, my nephews’ children, and my friends’ children live out our lives in peace and security? Or will the United States go into a steady or even precipitous decline due to our crushing debt (mostly owed to China, I believe) or a catastrophic terrorist attack?

3. How much am I allowed to spend on myself before it becomes immoral?

4. Is there a God?

5. What about dogs? How much can I spend on my dog rather than, say, giving the money to an African orphanage?

6. Will I ever see the Northern Lights?

7. What ever became of Mary’s slip that night we went skinnydipping in Liberty Reservoir?

8. WHEN will my youthful brother finally develop some flab and gray hair??

9. If I had to give up one for the rest of my life, would I give up chocolate or cheese?

10. Why is there not nothing?


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