Sunday, December 30, 2007



One of the greatest delights in life is finding a film that is as perfect as you hoped it would be. Just a few come to mind---especially movies taken from sources like beloved novels, that have so much potential to be great, and such a likelihood to fall on their faces. The best example of this is Fellowship of the Rings, which you could tell even in its opening credits, when the watery type of the opening credits emerged with that haunting music behind it, was going to be not just acceptable but wonderful.
Atonement is just that kind of movie. Watch, and be amazed. Hot on the heels of Pride & Prejudice, this movie also makes it clear that Keira Knightley is one of the greatest stars to ever appear on film. She's stunningly beautiful but also stylish, wise, and deeply talented. It can be hard to see among contemporaries---it's always easier to praise actors who are dead, really. But as one critic said, she's "a miracle of adult confidence at 22." Pair her up with James McAvoy and put them in "the almost spookily capable hands of director Joe Wright" and you have an amazing movie that manages to capture much of the wonder and genius of Ian McEwan's amazing novel.


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