Monday, February 16, 2009

Monday Miscellany

Now that I'm on Good Reads, Facebook, and our new book club blog, I'm coming up short on content. I've got a couple of mini-essays on my mind, but no time to work on them, what with my compulsive Word Challenge playing on Facebook. But here's what we did this weekend.

Friday night is all about Battlestar Galactica. We're down to the last episodes of the series, and I can't even go out to the movies on Fridays because I don't even want to Tivo and watch later. So Friday: BSG.

Saturday we finally turned our attention to the enormous amount of mud that Rocky has dragged in over the last two weeks. Massive vacuuming and washing of blankets and throws. Saturday night we had a delish dinner Chez Finastice and one of the best desserts I've ever had, a thick, sturdy bread pudding topped with warmed fruit compote. BRAVA, Deb. This followed by Lord of the Rings Monopoly, which I was thrilled to find Jay could not only tolerate but enjoy. Now there are TWO board games we can play together!

Sunday was laundry and some reading, and today I visited Julie, who is recovering (well) from surgery. I've also attempted to sort out the dramatis personae in our book club book, The Savage Detectives. And of COURSE we thought long and deeply about the legacy of our American presidents.


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