Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Tuesday Nothings

I'm back to work this week, which is just a little bit painful after a week at home. Fortunately, work has the benefit of paychecks, so there's always that upside. While I was home I did nothing spectacular but lots of little satisfying things, like cooking (mom's spaghetti sauce, lentil soup, cherry tarts) and reading. I also delved into the new Green Day CD, which has gotten lots of good reviews from critics and friends alike. I can see that it's a good album, but it just doesn't do anything for me. It's like there's some music center in our brains that responds to, well, who knows what, and Green Day lights up no dendrites for me. Alternatively, my brain can't seem to get enough of Muse's seductive crooning ("You think you deserve your freedom . . . No, I don't think you do") and Iron and Wine's thumping acoustic rhythms that are somehow both slow and galloping at the same time.


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