Of Course They Did
The geniuses at Summit Entertainment tossed around several names for director of Breaking Dawn, the last installment of the Twilight saga. Ang Lee, Gus Van Sant . . . world-class directors. But as soon as the name Bill Condon---director of Dreamgirls and the Academy Award broadcasts---was floated, I knew that's who they would choose. Because why choose a world-class director when you can choose the director of an awards show that honors world-class directors?
The geniuses at Summit Entertainment tossed around several names for director of Breaking Dawn, the last installment of the Twilight saga. Ang Lee, Gus Van Sant . . . world-class directors. But as soon as the name Bill Condon---director of Dreamgirls and the Academy Award broadcasts---was floated, I knew that's who they would choose. Because why choose a world-class director when you can choose the director of an awards show that honors world-class directors?

i bet the highest-calibre directors were never even actually interested in the project . . . summit just leaked their names to make it *look* like they were so that they could have the upper hand while wooing the directors they ended up actually negotiating with.
I feel like they could have gotten a grade A director if they really wanted to. It's almost as if they WANTED someone mediocre because (1) they think they can boss him around better than an auteur like Catherine Hardwicke and (2) they think that mediocre is what Twilight fans want.
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