Friday, April 13, 2007

Why I Will Be in Pyjamas All Day May 16

I received some wonderful news this week.

My stock portfolio has jumped in value?

Jay has sold a painting for $10,000?

The Queen has requested my presence at afternoon tea??

No---The Sci Fi Channel is running a Battlestar Galactica Season 3 Marathon!!

Part of the long series of narrative TV shows featuring emotion, drama, action, and comedy, BSG has taken its place among Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Friday Night Lights as my latest story-obsession. I've already watched the opening mini-series, season 1, and season 2 on DVD, but I've been unwilling to tune into the current season (season 3) mid-way, leading to severe withdrawal symptons.

Then the news: On May 16-18, Sci Fi will run the entire 20 episodes of season 3 in order. Some of you may notice that these are weekdays. This is a snag that is yet to be worked out (take my floating holiday? get Tivo?).

Here are some pics from BSG to get you in the mood: