Monday, December 31, 2007

Best Movies of 2007 (by me)

After our annual movie-going blitz, we've seen enough to post a best-of list for 2007. This is how my ranking would go:

1. Atonement: The most complex film of the year, and my favorite by far.

2. Into the Wild: So memorable. I have to believe that if the director's name had been Ron Howard rather than Sean Penn, this would have been a huge hit at the multiplexes.

3. The Savages: Complex, layered seriocomic film about sibling relationships. There are a hundred different details I could praise about this film.

4. Eastern Promises: The new golden duo of David Cronenberg and Viggo Mortensen hit another home run. You never know where this is going, especially with Viggo's character, but every step feels just right.

5. Gone Baby Gone: Haunting. Casey Affleck is not just a fantastic actor but also pretty studly in this debut film by his brother Ben. If I hadn't known who the director was, I would have guessed Clint Eastwood; it's that assured.

6. Hairspray: The most fun you could have in a theater this year.

7. Becoming Jane: An imagined biopic of Jane Austen, this is life and love as Austen lived it instead of how she sculpted it.

8. Hot Fuzz: The second most fun you could have in a theater this year.

9. Ratatouille: I looove animation, and this was a great one.

10. Avenue Montaigne: This French romantic comedy is both warm and sophisticated---a rare combo in the world of film.

I have to leave room here for the films I haven't had a chance to see yet but suspect I might love: Assassination of Jesse James, Before the Devil Knows You’re Dead, No Country for Old Men, The Diving Bell and the Butterfly


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I only saw 20 movies last year, so here are the top five of the ones I saw.
1. Amazing Grace - Ioan Grufford plays William Wilberforce, who led the U.K. to end slavery.
2. 3:10 to Yuma - two hotties (Christian Bale and Russell Crowe) fight it out in this great western.
3. Michael Clayton - George Clooney fights corrupt law firms.
4. Charlie Wilson's War - how we helped the Taliban defeat the Soviets.
5. Live Free or Die Hard - you can't beat Bruce Willis as John McClane sassing and beating the bad guys!
Sister Sally

January 4, 2008 at 3:59 PM  

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