Wednesday, July 15, 2009

July Vacation

Jay and I are back at work this week after ten days of vacation. We spent a few days at home, a few at Rehoboth, a few at home again, and a few in Ohio with the nephews and assorted other family members. This weekend Dad, Sally, and her boyfriend will be staying with us and sightseeing.

I can only tolerate a few days at the beach, but they are always wonderful days. We stay at a hotel only 1/2 block of the boardwalk, so we never have to get in our car. We are in the heart of Rehoboth, so restaurants, shops, and convenience stores are all within one or two blocks. It's so weird to have that kind of time on your hands---where you get up whenever, eat breakfast/lunch, lounge on the beach, meander, nap, talk, eat dinner, meander more. So much of normal life is taken up with logistics: driving, settling in, preparing food, making beds . . . when you have to do NONE of those things, it feels like each day is forty hours long.

Most of all it's great to lounge around the hotel room and sit on the beach with Jay, with nothing more than a book of sudoku for distraction. It takes time to develop a good conversation, almost like a yeast bread that needs to rise. You're not talking about your workday, or when the cleaners are coming, or when you need to be at the restaurant on Saturday night. There's just a beautiful . . . nothing, which lets your mind roam and play.


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