Sticks and Stones
I was reading in The Week again about the increase in gun and ammo sales following Obama's inauguration. And it dawned on me that this is the right wing equivalent of saying "I'm moving to Canada." People aren't really concerned that Obama is going to outlaw guns; it's obvious he's not. But it's a way of saying "My candidate lost, and I'm pissed about it."
Saying "I'm going to move to Canada" seems an infinitely healthier way of dealing with disappointment than buying guns, but okay.
I was reading in The Week again about the increase in gun and ammo sales following Obama's inauguration. And it dawned on me that this is the right wing equivalent of saying "I'm moving to Canada." People aren't really concerned that Obama is going to outlaw guns; it's obvious he's not. But it's a way of saying "My candidate lost, and I'm pissed about it."
Saying "I'm going to move to Canada" seems an infinitely healthier way of dealing with disappointment than buying guns, but okay.
I think a lot of the people who are out stockpiling weapons (and probably also canned food, and KJ bibles) really do believe that Obama is going to outlaw guns. Just like they believe he's not a U.S. citizen, wasn't elected legally, will brainwash their children if they have any exposure to him whatsoever, and so on.
I'm not great fan of Obama's, but I think you're giving this particular facet of the right wing too much credit for rational thought.
Yeah, there are those too. . . . Some are just exploiting these topics to make a statement, but some really do believe these things. *Shiver* It's a scary world out there outside of my Eastern liberal cocoon!
i've actually heard a LOT of conservatives talking about moving to canada (ironically) of late.
i've actually heard a LOT of conservatives talking about moving to canada (ironically) of late.
good thing my comment posted twice. clearly i *really* mean it.
I wonder if those conservatives are aware that Canada has . . .
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