Friday, July 18, 2008

Friday Miscellany


1. This from a savvy copyeditor working on the bibliography for one of my books: "I found an entry for a guy named 'School.' I was just musing about how interesting it was that an academic would be named School (you know, like a carpenter named Carpenter) when I happened to notice that his initials were H. B. and the URL in the reference was . . . ummm . . . rather prestigious."

2. Gaius Baltar = Cylon Catnip

3. The new James Bond movie, Quantum of Solace, is opening on my birthday, November 7.

4. The new Chris Cornell album, produced by Timbaland, is due in September.



Blogger DJ said...

CONFESSION: it took me several rereads to come to the same conclusion as your savvy proofreader.


July 18, 2008 at 6:03 PM  

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