Friday, May 11, 2007


Friday feels like a day to slough off, so here is an easy but possibly helpful post of favorite websites:
This wonderful site compiles reviews from major newspapers and journals. It covers books, movies, music, and games. It has links to the reviews, but also compiles a score for each product based on an average of the critics' reactions. Fantastic site. If you want to know if a movie this weekend is worth seeing, this is the site for you.
This link takes you to an article with the scoop of the week. That Tony Blair is resigning? No, that Friday Night Lights has been renewed for a full second season! My favorite thing about the article is that whoever wrote the headline put three exclamation points at the end. Elaine Benes would be proud. For more on Friday Night Lights, see previous posts on plot analysis and primo cutie-pie "Tim Riggins."
This is probably more for the female-gendered among us, but c'mon . . . you get to dress up paper dolls of Jude Law, Viggo Mortensen, and more . . . how adorable is that? And what I love most is that they've picked out "outfits" based on these celebrities real style. You know how Jude Law is always wearing those man-scarfs? They're there.
A good all-around source, this site also has great chat sessions. Follow the links from the News button, to Discussions. Topics include everything from Washington restaurants to the war in Iraq to gardening and movies.


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