Thursday, June 7, 2007

Welcome Back, Debbie!

Deb, welcome back to the North American continent! To catch you up, here are some important developments since you've been gone:

1. Paris Hilton has served her entire jail time. She entered jail late Sunday night and was released at 2 am "Thursday" morning for undisclosed medical reasons. Yes, her entire jail term was shorter than your vacation.

2. Britney Spears is still an object of ridicule.

3. Lindsay Lohan has problems with alcohol.

4. The sun continues to rise in the east and set in the west.

5. My favorite summer show, So You Think You Can Dance!, is in full swing! And the early parts where the judges are unkind to untalented amateurs is past, so we can watch without guilt.

6. My Italy diet is having zero effect, and I still weigh in the mid-%#s (wow, did that come out garbled on your screen? weird.).

7. A Baltimore ex-drug addict/possible prostitute was made over on How Do I Look?.

8. I am thinking about joining Curves.

9. Still thinking . . . Don't want to be rash . . .

10. The BSG season finale was good good good! You must come share Europe photos and watch the rest of the season so I can get it off my Tivo.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, Kibblekins!! It'lee and the rest of Yerrip were fantab, as ever. I had a freaky Molly Ringwald experience with La Nonna and had to do some soul-searching about Other Stuff We Will Discuss Later When I Am Not Posting on a Public Blog on the plane trip home, but otherwise I'm super happy and relaxed. And I SO did not die in a fiery crash. And that's good, right? Even if I'm not as hott as Brad Pitt? Lynn? Right?

June 10, 2007 at 3:10 PM  

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